Thursday, October 14, 2010

Step 6- Celebrate the Season

There's not always a ton to celebrate around here. But fall has come and the days are shorter and the sunsets are beautiful. But here is what this town is celebrating!!

Garrrr!! Seeing the sands is so strange. It is one of the most powerful landscapes I have experienced. It is mechanical and completely inhuman. The enormous processing plants are surrounded by acres and acres of grey, dead soil. The first time I saw it, I was speechless. It is even more powerful when you see it in the evening with the lights on. Sometimes the smokestacks are lit to burn off fumes, making it even more of a show.

But seriously, on to what this post is about. Fall is well underway. The mercury is beginning to fall. The days are getting shorter. And rather than wait for Christmas to decorate, most of the neighbourhood is getting into the holidays early. It is sick!

Really, though, most households really get in to Halloween. The decorations went up at the beginning of the month. I get it too. By Christmas, the snow will be so high that decorations will be hard to see. Everyone is taking advantage of the clear ground to set up homage to the holiday. You know those inflatable Christmas decorations? They have those for Halloween too, apparently. This is just a small sampling.

And finally, something nice to have a look at.

This week at work: Tiring. I have to learn to take my breaks. I am organizing some big events and writing grants and other stuff like that. When you care a lot about your work, it is easy to take it home and that makes it exhausting! I am learning not to put a lot of pressure on myself for completing things immediately. So even though it's tiring, it's good! We also moved our offices around, so I now have a dedicated workspace. And one of my favorite clients, who I have know since I started, was just moved into his own place! I am so happy for him. Last weekend my friend Brittany came up from Edmonton, and this weekend my Dad is coming. I managed to get invited to two Thanksgiving dinners and am blessed with lots of fun friends!


  1. Ewww...Halloween decorations. Give me a pumpkin or two and I am good to go.
    Looks like you had a lovely little thanksgiving spread. Hope you had fun with Brittany!

  2. Having Brittany was great! And yeah, apart from jack'o'lanterns, I think Halloween decorations are pretty gross.

  3. Fun friends are always a good thing. Have a good weekend with your dad.
    Love lots

  4. Your description of the tar sands sounds positively Mordor-esque. By any chance is there a tall tower with a giant burning eye at the top of it?
