Sunday, January 23, 2011

Step 17- Call for Reinforcements!

Last time I wrote things were tough. And when the goings get tough, the tough fly up to Fort McMurray to visit the not so tough!

It was so good to see an old friend after facing all these very new situations. And thanks everyone for your encouraging notes! I felt so supported in what I am doing up here. Sometimes I struggle with aspects of this job, and I am learning to build 'healthy boundaries' and leave it at the office. It's like other job skills, though. It takes time.

So, in the mean time, I'm using the weekends as a chance to recuperate. And by recuperate, I mean have friends over and fill every possible moment with activity. Lexi came up to spend 3 days living the wild life. It was the best Fort Mac weekend on record.

The first thing to be noted is the LATE night dinner. In this situation, making dinner involved letting a bunch of young German men into the kitchen...

And letting them get to work. Oh man, I didn't even realize the very Mennonite seating arrangement till now!

And then there was the high stakes game of Ticket to Ride that lasted till 1:30 am. I won, handily.

After that late night, it was up nice and early to hit the slopes! I wanted to take Lex dog sledding, but XC skiing had to suffice. I think that was enough cold for one day.

It was, after all, -28. Sometimes it hurts to breath too quickly. So here you are, pushing through snow with your whole body, while simultaneously having to ensure that you never breath too quickly. I love it.

Just to be nice, we let her warm up at Starbucks afterwards.

Creme brule latte shooters! Hurrah for having a friend who works at 'bucks and hands out samples.

Of course, after skiing, and then chipping ice off the driveway when we got home, the only really appropriate dinner was whole chickens.

Now, lately, I've been seeing all my friends in beautiful engagement and wedding photos. And I wanted a nice picture of me! One that is unrealistically flattering. So Lex brought up the SLR and within 5 shots pulled out this beauty. Get a good look, because this one surprised even me! From here on out, seeing the real me will just be a disappointment.

So, with an outdoor adventure and a glamor shot, I am as good as new! Thanks, Lex, for a FANTASTIC weekend.


  1. Kate - you inspire me. Thank you for your postings!

  2. You've always been gorgeous! We are our own worst critics and you have always been overly judgmental of yourself :D Even amongst my Vancouver co-workers you were known as "the hot sister" LOL!

    I miss you! Don't let your eyelashes get too frosted...

  3. That particular kind of Mennonite seating is very conducive to playing footsies.

  4. Oh Kate, seeing you is never a disappointment!

    And Larissa, I am *shocked* that such a RESPECTABLE girl would even THINK of something like that.


    (<3, your bus friend. — I met another kindred spirit on the bus today!)
